Khalid bin walid
Khalid bin walid

Muhammad has become superior to both Arabs and non-Arabs.” Saf­wan gave Khalid the following answer: “O Abu Wahb! Do you know the situation we are in? Our number decreased. However, he was looking for somebody to accompany him. He did not exactly know the meaning of his dream but this dream encouraged him to be a Muslim. He saw in his dream that he was passing through a narrow and arid place to a green country. He was pleased that the Messenger of Allah asked about him. Khalid bin Walid’s interest in Islam increased more after receiving the letter. He asked, ‘Where is Khalid?’ I said, ‘Allah will bring him.’ He said, ‘Can people like him keep away from Islam? It would be better for him if he struggled and made efforts for Islam.’ My brother! Come here quickly. Who can keep away from a religion like Islam? The Messenger of Allah asked about you. “I have never seen anything stranger than your escaping from becoming a Muslim though you are very clever. Then, he wrote the following letter to be given to his brother: He looked for his brother Khalid but could not find him. Walid bin Walid, Khalid’s brother who had become a Muslim beforehand, came there with the Messenger of Allah. Khalid bin Walid hid somewhere so as not to meet the Messenger of Allah. While he was hesitant like that, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) came to Makkah to perform the umrah that the Muslims had to postpone due to the Treaty of Hudaybiyya. However, then, he gave up this idea thinking, “He is also following Muhammad and Muhammad’s Companions live in security there.” He decided to go to Byzantine and Iran but he could not set off. Once, he thought of going to Abyssinia, to the Negus. However, I have always felt after returning from each battle that I did something wrong.”Īfter this incident, Khalid bin Walid became very hesitant. I said, ‘This person is really protected by Allah.’ I can say that I took part in all of the battles against Muhammad. After waiting for a long time, I gave up the idea of attacking. However, I could not give the order to attack by any means. “I thought it was a very suitable time to attack them. Muhammad, (pbuh) was leading the noon prayer to his Companions who had formed rows in the valley. The commander of that group of cavaliers of Makkan polytheists was Khalid bin Walid, the Arab genius of war. The horses started to feel restless, grub the sand and neigh. However, the commander of the cavaliers did not give the order to attack. They were on the hill, overlooking the enemy. The people that they wanted to find by riding their horses for hours were there, in the middle of the valley. The scenery from the hill gave them a feeling of happiness mixed with terror and fear. The grits heated by the sun stuck to the bodies of both horses and men. For, Allah was preparing him for His service.Ī group of cavaliers was riding their thoroughbred Arab horses fast under the scorching sun in the desert. Khalid took part in all of the battles against the Muslims in the first rank of the polytheists but he returned home depressed after all battles.

Khalid bin walid